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The Partners of Patersons LLP

Patersons LLP is the largest exclusively women-owned and operated law firm in Manitoba. All three partners are women.

The partnership Jodi Wyman, a resident of Alexander, Manitoba; Kelli Potter, a resident of Virden, Manitoba; and Breena Murray, a resident of Brandon, Manitoba.

One of the unique qualities of this partnership group is its commitment to access to justice initiatives, particularly to provide legal services to persons living in rural and remote communities. Additionally, they undertake pro bono work which advances the interests of women and girls, persons with disabilities and vulnerable persons.

Jodi Wyman was the first lawyer in Westman to offer mediation and collaborative family law services to family law clients. Wyman was also appointed as Chair of the Canada Pension Plan Review Tribunal in 2000 and 2003, focussing on issues such as the fairness of the division of CPP credits and the impact of the division of CPP credits on spouses (predominantly women) who had limited or no work outside of the home during their marriages/domestic partnerships. Wyman is also a past president of the Brandon YWCA and received the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal. Wyman has served as both president and treasurer of the Western Manitoba Bar Association. She is a long-time volunteer for the Women’s Resource Centre (Brandon).

Kelli Potter was born in Dauphin, Manitoba. She serviced rural communities including Selkirk, Beausejour, Pinawa, Pine Falls, Sagkeeng First Nation and Hollow Water First Nation. In the early stages of her career, Potter’s practice focussed on providing services to clients of Indigenous heritage who were seeking fairness and transparency in their dealings with Child and Family Services offices and the return of their children to their home communities and the preservation of their children’s connection to family and their Indigenous culture. In 2011, Potter relocated to the Westman area acting as a volunteer lawyer for the Women’s Resource Centre Legal Clinic, president of the Western Manitoba Bar Association and a member of Manitoba Bar Council. One of her main focuses has been access to justice issues and making services available to persons residing outside of urban centres including those living in Waywayseecappo First Nation, Sioux Valley First Nation, Canupawakpa First Nation.

Breena Murray is a lifelong resident of Brandon, Manitoba. She was a member of the board of directors for the Women’s Resource Centre (Brandon) during the years 2011 to 2015 also serving as the treasurer. She was instrumental in its major annual fundraiser, the Westman Corporate Challenge. Murray is a passionate advocate for girls in sport.

The employees of the firm are predominantly female and the firm has created a progressive parental leave policy. The partnership has created a Wellness Program which provides funding to its employees for fitness, mental health and self-care services expenses. The firm also offers its employees a retirement savings program and access to a firm-funded financial and insurance professional to assist employees with financial planning.




Mailing Address

P.O. Box 41081 Markham
Winnipeg, MB
R3T 2H0


Managed by Morning Star Consultive Services

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