Our content contributors have extensive experience and expertise. As retired teachers, principals and consultants, they firmly believe that all children/students can learn; they simply need to be taught in a manner that recognizes their various learning styles, and they especially need to be provided with material that they can read themselves. In this sense, we refer to ‘reading’ as comprehension or making meaning.
As a result, in our Learning Plans, we’ve concentrated on helping teachers learn new strategies especially for activating prior knowledge, building vocabulary, and providing them with different ways to help students learn – to go way beyond lecturing or telling students about Nellie McClung and the women’s movement.
Tied very closely with this is the concept of ‘the gradual release of responsibility’: Teachers begin with the outcomes – the knowledge of what students must learn – and they support students as they gradually take ownership of their learning.
We hope you find our contributions useful and look forward to hearing your feedback and comments any time.
The Learning Plans have been designed to meet the Manitoba Social Studies curriculum, with gracious input from those who design and write our provincial social studies programs. In Manitoba, Nellie McClung and the history of the Women’s movement is presently studied in Grades 4 & 6 as well as Grades 9 & 11.

Below you will find newspaper articles, definitions and a biography written at the Grade 4 level:
Grade 4
Grade 6
This section contains a complete Grade 6 lesson looking at a struggle for the vote and the women’s suffrage movement in Manitoba, including The Person’s Case.
The mandated Grade 6 Outcome, 6-KP-046, includes the following topics:
Conditions faced by women in the early years of the 20th century
Struggle for the vote in Manitoba: Nellie McClung and the other members of the Political Equality League.
Roblin and the Mock Parliament
The election and Norris
The gaining of the vote for women in other provinces.
The Persons Case: Nellie McClung and the Famous Five Issue
The Contributions of Nellie McClung
Please note that the lesson outline, the strategies, and the biography are part of the lesson. All items are integrated and so should be downloaded and used together.
Lesson Outline
Grade 9
This section currently contains materials designed for Grade 9 students looking at the struggle to gain the vote for women in Manitoba, the Persons Case, the achievements of Nellie McClung, with references to other significant people in the struggle for women’s rights.
Grade 9 Materials: Important People and Events in the Struggle for Rights in Canada 9.1.2 Human Rights (Manitoba Curriculum)
How to use these Strategies and Materials
Timelines, Biographies and Terms
Grade 11
This section currently contains materials designed for Grade 11 students studying the achievements of Nellie McClung, the struggle for women to become enfranchised (to gain the vote) in Manitoba, and The Persons Case.
In the Manitoba Grade 11 Social Studies Curriculum, this section relates to Learning Experiences 3.2 and addresses the following parts of Cluster 3: Social Reform – Nellie McClung: Suffrage in Manitoba (1916), Persons Case (1929) www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/cur/socstud/history_gr11/
It explores the “Enduring Understanding” – “The history of Canadian citizenship is characterized by an ongoing struggle to achieve equality and social justice for all.”
Learning and Research Supports and Resources:
“Highlights of Nellie McClung’s Career” at a Grade 11 reading level and Grade 7 reading level.
In addition, the Grade 9 Lesson Supports on this website include a biography of McClung, with period pictures, written at a Grade 9 level. The Grade 6 Lesson on this website includes a biography, with period pictures, written at a Grade 6 level.
The Grade 9 lesson on this website contains two tables that would support student’s learning, including:
A reference table with most of the terms students will encounter as they study this topic with working definitions.
A table listing many of the people who played a role in the topics studied here.
Primary Sources Research Material
This site includes a digital archive of:
Newspaper articles covering events such as the Mock Parliament, the election of 1915, the Suffrage movement and the results of the Persons Case.
Letters sent to and from The Famous Five and the Canadian Government as well as the British Privy Council.
Pictures from the period.
A sample lession with Activating, Acquiring, and Applying Learning Strategies.
Lesson Outline